Donation Information


thank you!

Thank you for submitting your form and for your generous support of Music For All Kids. Your contribution—whether financial or in the form of instrument donations—plays a critical role in enriching our local community.

Your donation directly helps us provide instruments, technology, and skilled instructors to children in need, empowering them to explore the transformative power of music.

We are deeply grateful for your support in making our mission a reality.

A special thank you to our partners & contributors

  • Cedar Tree Institute (CTI)
  • Marquette Area Public schools (MAPS)
  • Bothwell Middle School PTA
  • MAPS Alternative HS
  • North Star Academy
  • McDonalds Music Store
  • Community Foundation of Marquette County
  • Doug Garrison
  • Marquette Area Blues Society
  • Debbie, Dan, Bob and the Maynard family